Home > Accessing our new Resident and Customer Portal
Accessing our new Resident and Customer Portal
Thank you, this reporting form/application has now transitioned to our new Resident and Customer portal.
To report your request you will need to register for the Portal and log in. You will then be able to log your request and view it online.
If you have the link that you visited, bookmarked, favourited or saved anywhere else please update them to the new portal web address. For information on how to do this please see FAQs below.
Access Resident and Customer portal
If you need help using the new service check out the FAQs below.
Updating your Browser links i.e. favourites
If you have forms or services saved to your favourites in a browser you will need to delete them as the holding page will only be in place for 1 month. Services will then point directly to the Portal.
What are the benefits of the new Portal?
- The ability to log and view requests online for some of the below services from day one. Further services for these areas will be added throughout 2024.
Environmental Protection, i.e. noise nuisance
Environmental Crime, i.e. reporting dog fouling
Private Sector Housing, i.e. reporting empty homes
Anti-social Behaviour, i.e. reporting street drinking
Licensing, applying for an Temporary Event Notice
Waste services Clinical Waste Collection
- You can request services or report issues at a time that suits you
- Your report or application is dealt with in one system giving you a 360 view of current and future requests.
- Better reporting for us allowing us to improve your services further.
How to register on the new Portal
How to use the new Portal
If you are having problems using the new service please contact us