Fly Posting
What is fly posting?
Fly-posters usually advertise events with posters, stickers or bills that are put up without the permission of the property owner. Fly-posting is a criminal offence.
Fly posting is illegal
It is illegal to fly-post on land owned by Dover District Council or Kent County Council (Kent Highways) .
It is also illegal to fly-post on private land without consent of the landowner and, in some cases, without permission from Dover District Council (some advertising does not require express advertisement consent from Dover District Council- please see ‘what can I do to promote my event’ below.
Illegal fly posting includes putting posters or banners on roads, verges, street signs, street furniture, road-side railings or lamp posts where they can cause obstruction, obliterate road signs, distract drivers or even cause a danger to pedestrians and road users. They can also spoil the appearance of an area.
Although events being promoted are often very worthy and popular, we have to apply the law fairly and can remove or obliterate any placard or poster displayed in contravention of the Advertisements Regulations. We may also prosecute or fine the advertiser, organiser or the owner of the venue being advertised.
Fly-posting carries a maximum fine of £2,500 and a fixed penalty charge of £80 may be imposed for each poster illegally displayed.
So what can I do to promote my event?
You should consider using legal alternatives like local radio, social networking sites, newspapers, magazines and town and village newsletters. Local newspapers and radio often have a ‘what’s on’ section. You could submit a press release or, to guarantee space or airtime, you could consider paid-for advertising. Shop owners will often put posters in their windows for a small fee.
You can also put your posters, signs or banners on land where the event is due to take place but you must firstly obtain the landowner’s permission. If you are advertising a local event of a religious, educational, cultural, political, social or recreational nature you will not (in accordance with Class 3(D) of the Advertisement Regulations) require express advertisement consent providing:
- the event or activity is not being carried out for commercial purposes
- the advertisement does not exceed 0.6 of a square metre
- the advertisement is not displayed earlier than 28 days before the event or activity is due to take place
- The advertisement is removed within 14 days after the end of the event or activity
- no letters, figures, symbols or similar features of the design of the advert are over 0.75 of a metre in height, or 0.3 of a metre in height if they are in any Area of Special Control
- the advertisement is not illuminated
- no part of the advertisement is more than 4.6 metres above ground- level, or 3.6 metres in an Area of Special Control.
Advertising for events, even on private land, may require express advertisement consent if it falls foul of any of the above qualifying criteria.
For further information about the exemptions or to seek express advertisement consent contact our Customer Services team on 01304 872486/872428
How can I report fly-posting?
If you witness fly-posting on land owned by Dover District Council or Kent County Council- which includes parks and open spaces, road and verges or on street furniture or road railings please tell us about it:
Please provide us with the following information:
- Exact location
- Approximate number of fly posters
- Approximate size of fly-posting
- Advertiser details (if identified)
- Venue details (if identified)
- Date and time of offence and description of persons responsible (if known)