Equality and Access to Services
We are committed to ensuring equality in everything that we do both through our service provision and through our responsibilities as an employer. We recognise that while everyone is different, they have the right to be treated with an equal level of respect and have equal opportunity of access to our services and facilities.
The Equality Act 2010
At Dover District Council we are working with the community and our partners to develop objectives which are both meaningful and relevant to our District.
- Our Equality Policy out our commitment to equality and diversity, and how we will:
- tackle equalities issues
- aim to eliminate discrimination
- Our Facts and Figures pages also provides a snapshot of the current social, economic, environmental, health and well-being of our district.
The Public Sector Equality Duty is part of the Equality Act. It applies to public sector organisations, like councils. It says that we must meet the needs of all individuals in the way we work, when shaping policy, delivering services and in relation to our own employees.
The Public Sector Equality Duty has three aims. We must show how we have worked to
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act.
- Improve equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
Protected Characteristics
The Equality Act 2010 sets out nine protected characteristics or equalities groups. The Act provides protection if you experience discrimination because of your:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Equality Objectives
1. To provide opportunities to improve life chances, health, and wellbeing.
Measured By:
- Promotion of good health, physical activity and mental health messages and services across all settings.
- Work with partners to ensure there are effective pathways into education, training, and employment (including apprenticeships) to enable young people to fulfil their ambitions.
- Work with partner agencies such as Police, health, specialist providers and others to promote awareness around domestic, sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation & offer support through those networks where appropriate.
- Continued work within the Community Safety Partnership ensuring the district is a safe place to live, work and visit.
2. To continue to meet the needs of our service users by improving the knowledge and understanding of our customers and communities.
Measured By:
- Publish and actively promote the process for comments, compliments, and complaints.
- Ensure services and information is accessible for those with protected characteristics.
- Maintain a central database of local community groups.
3. To improve opportunities to build inclusivity into the Council's internal policies and procedures.
Measured By:
- Staff, Members and Council contractors are aware of, and actively uphold, the Equality Duty and responsibilities.
- Consideration given to Equality as part of the Council’s formal decision-making process.
- Appropriate training and resources for staff and Members.
- Promote and foster an inclusive working environment for the workforce.
Should you require assistance for interpretation or translation, please contact the Council's service department who published the information or alternatively the Corporate Services Team at corporateservices@dover.gov.uk to explore the options available. Please be advised that requests will be considered on an individual basis and that documents cannot be translated as a matter of course. Where possible we encourage individuals who cannot speak English to come accompanied with an English speaking relative or friend.
Email: corporate.services@dover.gov.uk