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Garden Competition Results 2023

Dover District Council run an annual Garden Competition in partnership with the Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group to celebrate the hard work of our most talented gardeners. 

2023 Winners:

Best Front Garden

First Place: Blodwen Mary Francis, West Hougham

Second Place: David Hobbs, Woodnesborough

Highly Commended: Midge Smith & Jane Lowe, Deal


Best Back Garden

First Place: Janet Giles, Ash

Second Place: Jane Lowe, Deal

Highly Commended: June Bailey, Woodnesborough


Most Improved Garden

To give a special thanks to residents who take on a garden as a new tenant or through the mutual exchange process and spend the time and effort to make it beautiful.

First Place: Cheryl Dunn, Worth

Second Place: David Hobbs, Woodnesborough


Special Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Community

Dean Hughes, Walmer

Allen Green, Walmer


Thank you for Participating:

Sylvia Armstrong, Aylesham

Paul Gillard, Dover

Gerald Clewley, Sandwich

Tina Nightingale, Dover

 Watch the Entries: 

Best Front Garden:

 Best Back Garden:

 Outstanding Contribution to the Community: