Support or Object to Planning Applications
How to Comment on Applications
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Comments from members of the public on planning applications are important when considering any development that requires planning permission and we encourage public involvement. You can comment now by following these 3 easy steps:
- review the guidance below on commenting on an application
- visit Public Access
- select the 'Search and comment’
- find the application you want to comment on and select 'Comment on this application'
- alternatively if you do not wish to use the website you can email or send a hard copy letter.
Please note that any comments you make about a planning application will be published on our website, including your name.
Planning alerts
You may wish to receive planning alerts via the Public Access service. Sign up to alerts and receive notifications of new applications and decisions in your area.
Guidance to commenting on planning applications
The Council can only take account of 'material considerations' when making a decision. Comments that contain 'material considerations' will be weighed in the decision process according to their planning merit.
Please see below provided of commonly raised material and non-material items. The lists are not exhaustive and are only provided as guidance.
We can consider
The building
- design, appearance and materials
- overlooking/loss of privacy
- visual amenity
- layout and density of the building
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Disabled persons' access
Natural & historic environment
- Landscaping or loss of trees
- Effect on conservation areas and listed buildings
- Nature conservation
- Archaeology
Impact of the development
- Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
- Highway safety or traffic generation
- Noise, smells and disturbance
- Hazardous materials
Policy considerations
- Local and national planning policies and guidance
- Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
We will also not consider
Comments that:
- are anonymous
- contain offensive, defamatory or discriminatory language
Comments containing either of those will not be considered when we decide the application and may also be removed from the application case file.
Please be aware that your comments may still be viewable on our website prior to any removal. It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure you do not include any offensive, defamatory or discriminatory language in your comments as you could be held legally responsible for this.
How we record your comments
A petition is counted as one representation.
A letter or email containing more than one person’s detail is counted as one i.e Mr and Mrs
If each signatory wishes to be considered as a separate representative then please send in separate letters. The council will be reviewing this process and the website will be update accordingly
What happens after you comment
We do not acknowledge comments, or respond to questions raised, as we receive such a high number. However, we may contact you for further information. If we feel that clarification of a point raised is needed.
All comments received in relation to a planning application are public information and will therefore be available for public inspection. Your comments will also be published on our website and will include your name.
Once a decision has been made on an application, it will be possible to view the report prepared by the case officer and the decision notice on the website and you will be notified of the decision.
Contact Planning
Telephone: 01304 872486