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Adopted Development Plans

The current planning policies for the Dover district are set out in the Statutory Development Plan which is made up of the following documents:


The Dover District Local Plan was adopted on 16th October 2024. It replaced the Core Strategy (2010), the Land Allocations Plan (2015) and ‘saved’ policies in the Dover District Local Plan (2002).

  • Worth Neighbourhood Plan

    The Worth Neighbourhood Plan was made part of the Development Plan on the 28 January 2015. The Worth Neighbourhood Plan sets out the vision for the future of Worth and contains policies to guide the future development of this Neighbourhood Area.

  • Ash Neighbourhood Plan
    The Ash Neighbourhood Plan was made part of the Development Plan on the 15 September 2021. The Ash Neighbourhood Plan sets out the vision for the Ash Parish and contains policies to guide the future development of this Neighbourhood Area.

  • KCC Minerals and Waste Local Plan

    Kent County Council's Minerals and Waste Local Plan sets out a vision and strategy for mineral provision and waste management in Kent up to the year 2030.

  • Policies Map - This policy map is currently down for maintenance


The Adopted Local Plan is available to purchase at a cost of £50 for local residents and £70 for non residents including postage.

 Purchase Local Plan



Email  planningpolicy@dover.gov.uk

Tel: 01304 872477