Health and Safety Investigations

Our officers investigate complaints regarding unsafe working conditions/practices and will give advice. In some instances we will take enforcement action to ensure compliance with Health & Safety legislation.

To report unsafe working conditions or practices please telephone: 01304 872216 or email

Investigations of Accidents, Occupational Ill Health and Dangerous Occurrences

Employers are legally required to report certain accidents, dangerous occurrences or occupational diseases which result from work activities, examples:

  • an employee suffers a major injury from an accident, is not able to conduct their normal work activities for seven or more days as a result of a workplace accident or illness
  • a member of public is taken to hospital as a result of an accident at a workplace

For more information on what types of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences must be reported and how to report an incident online visit the RIDDOR pages on the Health and Safety Executive Website.

Serious Incidents

Fatal and major injuries or dangerous occurrences must be reported as soon as possible. For reporting fatal and major injuries only you can call the Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 9923 (opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm).

Report serious incidents (HSE website) »



Phone Number:01304 872216

Email address:

Office hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-17:00 hours